The Preus Family in Eurasia Winter 2024 Newsletter Pastors and church secretaries, if you would like a PDF of this newsletter to print and share with members, please reply by email, and we will email it to you! Dear partners in mission, Greetings from Brasov, Romania! I wish you all a blessed Epiphany! This newsletter…
Helge_Czech-Republic_Dec2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Our dear supporters, prayer warriors and friends, Děkujeme mockrát, thank you very much! Thank you for your continued support and prayers! God bless your final days of Advent as you prepare to welcome and celebrate the Savior of the World, Jesus. We thank God for all He has done this autumn….
Pflug_Nov2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Mercy Matters from the Mission Field The backdrop of the nativity scene in the picture below may look different than what some of us are used to. Christmas this year may look different, too. Some of us may be awaiting our Lord’s birth with new faces in new places. Some…
Irwin_Czech-Republic_Fall2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. MONTHLY CZECH-IN Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Chelsea Irwin and what the Lord is doing in the Czech Republic and Central Europe! Greetings in Christ! This Fall was full of local ministry and Gospel sharing opportunities here in Czech Silesia. Please pray specifically for all the children who will sign…
Andreasen_Romania_Dec2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Andreasens in Romania December Newsletter Dear Friends in Christ, It is the Advent of Our God. The celebration of Christ’s birth is ever nearer to us. We also look for His return to gather together His people to dwell with Him forever. As we find ourselves between these two…
McMiller_Italy_Dec2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. McMillers’ December 2024 Italy Newsletter Many blessings to you all during this time of Advent as we prepare for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! For the last newsletter of the year, I would like to give an overview of the miracles that our Lord Jesus Christ is…
Cundiff_Latvia_Nov2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Academy and church plant updates Dear friends in Christ, This past month has been full of events and good things in all the various aspects of the work going on here in Latvia. For the Academy, I recently had a meeting with the bishop who is the vice-rector of…
News from Pastor Tiews Sharing the Gospel in Germany Latest posts from on 11/26/2024 Support the Mission Dear friends and supporters of our ministry to Germany and across Eurasia! By Rev. Tiews on 25/11/24 The old church year has concluded and so, in the past few weeks, our lectionary readings have dealt with the End Times. The Lord…
Andreasen_Romania_Nov2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Andreasens in Romania November Newsletter Dear Friends in Christ, We have finally arrived in Romania. Thanks be to God! It has been a whirlwind of a month to be sure and it is hard to believe we have only been here for 4 weeks! In many ways we…
Bobby__Latvia_Nov2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Greetings in the Name of Jesus, I was reading Deuteronomy 31 in my daily devotions the other day, and I was struck by this line of Scripture: “And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, the days approach when you must die” (Deuteronomy 31:14). I know this statement unfolds within…
Cundiff_Latvia_Oct2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Light to overcome the darkness Dear friends in Christ, It sure is getting dark earlier now, isn’t it? How many of you have found yourselves saying this over the last few days? We here in Latvia did the “fall back” a week before the US did, so for a…
PFLUG_Romania_Sept-Oct2024.pdf.docx Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Mercy Matters from the Mission Field More time has passed yet with little time to stand still and reflect on all that has transpired. Since I last wrote you, I’ve traveled through ten states and two countries, been welcomed by wonderful congregations, schools, and recognized service organizations, and enjoyed…
McMillers in Italy Oct/Nov 2024 After having dedicated the last newsletter to the Lutheran Church in France, I wanted to bring back the focus to what Christ is doing here in Italy. As the sole LCMS pastor in Italy (a country of 60 million people), so much of my work is networking with people who reach out to me….
Domenichelli_Germany_Oct-Nov2024.PDF Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Our 2024 October-November Newsletter LCMS Eurasia Missionary – Domenichelli Family | 1333 Kirkwood | St. Louis, MO 63122 US
Irwin_Czech-Republic_July_Aug2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Monthly Czech-in Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Chelsea Irwin and what the Lord is doing in the Czech Republic and Central Europe! Greetings in Christ, I pray that God continues to strengthen and encourage you in Christ as we approach the Advent season. This past summer was full of service…
News from Pastor Tiews Sharing the Gospel in Germany Continue Supporting the Mission Dear friends and supporters of our ministry to Germany and across Eurasia! By Rev. Tiews on 25/10/24 “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ” (1 Cor…
Fedder_Romania_Sept-Oct2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Fedder Family Newsletter Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Things have been really busy here in Romania, please read the newsletter below about the baptisms, confirmations and even a wedding! God has been so good to us here in Romania and the Balkans. Last year about…
Helge_Czech-Republic_Oct2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Our dear supporters, prayer warriors and friends, Děkujeme mockrát, thank you very much! Thank you for your continued support and prayers! The school year is a bustling. So is the K4 Community Center and Church Plant. We planned out the entire fall semester filled with regularly occurring activities such as…
Domenichelli_Germany_Sept2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Our latest news for you! Click here to see the front and back of the newsletter! LCMS Eurasia Missionary – Domenichelli Family | 1333 Kirkwood | St. Louis, MO 63122 US
Bobby__Latvia_Oct2024.docx Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I wish to begin by apologizing for the long interval since my last newsletter. I offer no excuses; only my pledge to get back on track now that school is back in session. And speaking of school, students and faculty at Luther Academy…
Cundiff_Latvia_Sept2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Expanding roles and services Dear friends in Christ, Life on the field has been a joy over this last month. We are well into the fall semester with Luther Academy. Carter’s school is underway, and he is involved in some great extracurricular activities as well. Lindsay is back to school,…
News from Pastor Tiews Sharing the Gospel in Germany Support the Mission Dear friends and supporters of our ministry to Germany and across Eurasia! By Rev. Tiews on 26/09/24 “And [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as was His custom, He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and He stood up to read” (Lk 4:16)….
McMiller_Italy_Sept-Oct2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Rev Tyler McMiller Sept/Oct Newsletter Nine years ago, when I was an LCMS lay missionary in Mexico City, I began “dabbling” in French. Growing up in Latin America, I didn’t feel like I needed to improve my Spanish. I was single and had a 3-hour commute one-way on standing-room-only…
Cundiff_Latvia_July2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Home Service complete – now what? Dear friends in Christ, I am pleased to write to say that we have safely arrived back in Riga and are getting ready for the fall classes to start in a few weeks. Work has already started moving quickly for us as well. You…
Helge_Czech-Republic_June2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Our dear supporters, prayer warriors and friends, Děkujeme mockrát, thank you very much! Thank you for your continued support and prayers! Our series of newsletters continues with updates from the first third of 2024. In this issue, we explore “English Days,” a month long program in the K4 Community Center /…
Andreasens_Romania_May2024.docx Click icon to open, read, download or print file.
CUNDIFF_Latvia_May2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Home Service is imminent! Dear friends in Christ, This month begins our time of home service. It is a time designed by Synod for missionaries to come off the field and reconnect with family, friends, and supporters. All missionaries are required to do this every two to three…
Helge_Czech-Republic_May2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Our dear supporters, prayer warriors and friends, Děkujeme mockrát, thank you very much! Thank you for your continued support and prayers! Christ is risen! Alleluia! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! God bless this final week of the Easter season. Light your Christ candles, cook up a feast, and celebrate. Jesus Christ…
Irwin_Czech-Republic_Mar2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Czech-in Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Chelsea Irwin and what the Lord is doing in the Czech Republic and Central Europe! Hi everyone! I pray you are enjoying the Spring weather. March and April were full of local ministries in Czech Silesia. Read about LCMS volunteers serving in the Czech…
Kaster_Czech-Republic_May2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. May 2024 Serving the Lord in Prague News from the Kasters Joy-Fully Lutheran! Easter’s joy is infectious. How could it not be? After all, the resurrection of Christ assures us that our sins are forgiven and that death will be conquered. We will rise as well! We apologize that…
Cundiff_Latvia_Apr2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. \ Next steps for the English program Dear friends in Christ, This month marks the end of the third official academic year of the English program with Lutera Akadēmija in Riga and my second year with them. Much has transpired in that time, and I rejoice that I…
Winterstein_Germany_Apr2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Note: Mark Winterstein completed his service as a Globally Engaged in Outreach (GEO) missionary and has returned home to the United States. By design and appointment, GEO missionaries typically serve two-years in the field. Dear supporters, family, and friends, Welcome to my newsletter! Read I’ve been doing in my final…
ANDREASEN_Romania_Apr2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Andreasens in Romania Newsletter Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Our Lord’s resurrection has brought life and immortality to light through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Above all, we pray that this is your joy as God’s people baptized into this same Jesus. Thank you for your prayers…
Domenichelli_Germany_Apr2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Thank you for following the Domenichelli family in Germany. If you would like support this important mission, please see our prayer card and follow this link: https://www.lcms.org/domenichelli LCMS Eurasia Missionary – Domenichelli Family | 1333 Kirkwood, St. Louis, MO 63122
Bobby_Latvia_Mar-Apr2014.docx Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends in Christ, The renowned Italian painter Caravaggio painted a scene from John 20 back in 1601. It depicts Jesus after His resurrection confronting Thomas’ unbelief. The painting is typically referred to as “The Incredulity of Thomas.” If I could name this painting, however, I…
Fedder_Romania_Feb-Mar-2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Fedder Family Newsletter Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we approach Good Friday and Easter, I am reminded again of why we spread the Gospel. For so many in North American Easter is a time to eat candy and hunt for eggs. Here in the…
Irwin_Czech-Republic_Jan-Feb2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Monthly Czech-in Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Chelsea Irwin and what the Lord is doing in the Czech Republic and Central Europe! Greetings in Christ! Spring is almost here and preparations for the 2024 English Bible Camps (EBCs) are well underway. This fall when the advertisement went out…
Andreasen_Romania_Feb2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Thank you! Mulțumesc! Thank you for signing up to follow the Andreasens in Romania. Please find our first newsletter to get to know a little about us and where we are serving the Lord. We look forward to sharing with you about the work we are privileged to witness our…
Cundiff_Latvia_Jan2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. A big hurdle has been cleared! Dear friends in Christ, Big news this month from Riga Luther Academy! Some of you may have heard by now, but the Riga Luther Academy received reaccreditation with the Latvian government for a term of six years, which is the longest accreditation…
Winterstein_Germany_Jan2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear supporters, family, and friends, Come and see what I’ve been up to in the last month working in Leipzig. Thank you very much for all your prayers and support! In His Service, Mark Winterstein Read my newsletter here Prayerfully continue or consider partnering with the LCMS to…
CUNDIFF__Latvia_Dec2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Ministry updates Dear friends in Christ, “There was no mention of Christ!” That was the utterance of one of the missionary family members here with us after a cultural Christmas event. There was a Christmas concert in one of the churches here in Riga where the performers also sang some…
Bobby__Latvia_Jan2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Please download our January newsletter for updates on our lives and work in Latvia.
Krause_Germany_Dec2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends, Christmas greetings from Germany! I pray you have a blessed time celebrating our Savior’s birth with friends and family. I will be back in the States for my home service beginning at the end of February through the end of April, so as you begin to plan…
Bueltmann_Germany_Dec2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Vol. 7, No. 2 December 2023 Deaconess in Deutschland Helping refugees find refuge in Christ Dear Friends, I want to wish you all a very merry and blessed Christmas! I am so thankful to each of you for your prayers, encouragement and support! It means so much to me as I serve…
Merry Christmas Christmas market, Riga, Latvia And, Happy New Year in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers and support that have ensured we can serve and prepare church workers to serve God’s kingdom during this past year. May God Bless you, Jerry and Patty Lawson Our mailing address is: Serving in…
Winterstein_Germany_Dec2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear supporters, family, and friends, Welcome to my newsletter! Come and see what I’ve been up to in the last month working in Leipzig. Thank you very much for all your prayers and support! In His Service, Mark Winterstein Please prayerfully continue or consider partnering with the LCMS to…