Greetings in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ!
Our family has finished our move to Brașov. While we are still in Romania, we are now in the Transylvania region. Here in the Carpathian Mountains, the air has begun to crisp, fall is in full swing and winter is just around the corner. But as the weather begins to cool, the work here is just heating up. Please read our newsletter linked below and find out how we plan on reaching out to Brașov.
October Newsletter
I would like to thank our God and Father, and all of you who pray for us. Our move went very smoothly and our new landlord is wonderful. These are such great blessings for our family.
Also, our family will be visiting the United States in the spring of next year for Home Stay. This gives us time to reconnect with family, supporters, and the amazing folks at Mission Central and the International Center. In the coming months as we plan for Home Stay, we will let you all know when we will be passing through various parts of the US. We would love to meet all of you in person, and visit every supporting church, but that just isn’t possible. The Lord has richly blessing our work with supporters all across the US and even a few in Canada. If we are unable to visit your church, please know that I am always happy to give presentations through the internet with Zoom or similar programs. Our family will also be presenting at Mission Central, so even if your church is unable to host us you are more than welcome to come and visit with us in Mapleton, Iowa if you’re close by.
Christ bless you all,
Pastor Andrew Michael Johnson Fedder
Thank you all for your support and prayers. One Heavenly Father is a God of means. He uses us as the means and instruments to bless our neighbor, to be His hands and feet. Our work is made possible through your generosity and your dedicated prayers for us. If you would like to continue to support us please follow either of the links below.