A Christmas greeting from the Cima Family in Cambodia MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM CAMBODIA! All over the world, the anxious anticipation of Advent gives way to the jubilant joy of Christmas. We give thanks for the baby Jesus who shines his light into our lives, and into all corners of the world. We pray the light of Jesus illumines your corner…
Nelson_Indonesia_Dec2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Belated November News Hard to believe it’s almost Christmas. But for a brief stroll down memory lane, here’s an update on my work in November. God is good – thanks to partners like you! Our mailing address is: Partners-Apart 1250 E Mineral Rd Gilbert, AZ 85234-4805 USA
Wood_SouthEast-Asia_Dec2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Meet the Woods Matthew, Kali, Laurel, Eleanor, Caroline, and Kermit serve in southeast Asia as LCMS International Workers. Matthew supports The Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI), by mentoring pastors, providing continuing education, and overseeing translation projects. The Big Event The LCMS and the GKLI crammed a lot of activity into…
Jastram_Asia_Jul-Nov2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friend, Our hearts are full of gratitude to you, for your prayers and support of LCMS mission work here in Japan. Thank you so much! Our latest newsletter is attached. Grace, mercy and peace, Dan and Joan Jastram, your missionaries in Japan Support LCMS Mission Work in Japan…
Cima-Cambodia_Nov2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Community health in Ratanakiri Our November newsletter Aimee was in Ratanakiri with Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation again, completing a two year process of Community Health Evangelism (CHE) in an ethnic Jarai village. The culmination of the process was the local committee’s design and implementation of a “seed project”…
Becky Bartelt’s November 2024 Newsletter Serving the Lord in Taiwan/Asia O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! Thanksgiving for Music at the Luther Building in Chiayi! On November 30th we held a Thanksgiving Recital at the Luther…
Park_Taiwan_Nov24.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear friends, A blessed Advent season to you! Our Savior and King Jesus promised that He would return, but we do not know when He would fulfill His promise. That is why He wants us to be prepared. How can we be ready for His return? We will…
Borgwardt_Taiwan_Oct2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Greetings in Christ, I pray you enjoyed a restful Thanksgiving with family and friends. I am truly thankful for your prayers for me and all our LCMS missionaries deployed across the globe! I am attaching my October 2024 newsletter for you to learn more about the work of your…
Dear friends and family, With much gratitude we send you our Thanksgiving greetings. Through your love, support, and interest in God’s mission in this part of the world, we serve here as your partners in ministry. We thank the Lord for His many, undeserved blessings, and wish you days of joy and thankfulness. Thankful for you, The Wasmunds…
Paul-Michael_Taiwan_Oct2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear friends and family: Thank you for your interest and support! Attached is our October 2024 newsletter. in Christ, Pastor Michael and Jen-Yi “Irene” Paul Rev. Dr. Michael Paul Theological Educator to Taiwan LCMS Office of International Mission www.lcms.org/paul
Mahlburg_Sri-Lanka_Nov2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear [Jesus said:] “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the…
Ferry_Asia_Nov2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. The kids are freezing! The Ferry family has returned to the USA for a very brief time to visit congregations, partners, family, and doctors. The time has gone quickly, and the work hasn’t stopped while we’ve been traveling. Check out the latest All Over Asia for some glimpses into…
Rhein_Taiwan_Oct2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Greetings, Thank you, as always, for your gracious support. Joining in the Church’s Song as I travel around Asia continues to be a blessing and source of joy. Please find my newsletter attached. In Christ, Deaconess Sandra Rhein Sandra · 546 Altgeld St · South Bend, IN 46614-1222 ·…
Becky Bartelt’s October 2024 Newsletter Serving the Lord in Taiwan/Asia Psalm 46:1-7 (Part of the Psalm for Reformation Day) God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling….
Park_Taiwan_Oct24.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends, Greetings from Taiwan! I hope and pray that you are doing well. After my time in the U.S., I returned here and resumed my language studies. It is fun to see my teachers and meet new language students. Thank you so much for your prayers, financial…
Dear friends and family, Reformation Day greetings from Seoul! We pray this finds you well and remembering the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus. Your support, which comes in a variety of ways, is one of the means that God uses to enable us to continue serving here. Thank you for your love and care. Below you should…
Cima-Cambodia_Oct2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. National Youth Camp! Youth from all over Cambodia gathered around a campfire in Kep. Jesus’ words, “I am the light of the world,” were read and a short devotion was shared. Then each student lit their own candle while hearing Jesus’ words, “You are the light of the world.”…
Hester_Taiwan_Oct2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file.
Nelson_Indonesia_Sept2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. September Updates September began with a trip to Singapore, Malaysia and then Taiwan for the annual worker gathering, and ended with a trip to Vietnam to visit Concordia International School Hanoi. Download our newsletter to learn more! Our mailing address is: Partners-Apart 1250 E Mineral Rd Gilbert, AZ 85234-4805…
Schaff_Taiwan_Oct2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends in Christ, Praying that everyone is having a wonderful fall season. We are so thankful for all of your prayers! Here is the latest update of what is happening in Taiwan. God’s peace in Christ, Noel and Andrew
Becky Bartelt’s August/September 2024 Newsletter Serving the Lord in Taiwan/Asia Psalm 34:1-8 I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my…
Dear Friend What a blessing to have your LCMS Asia-Japan mission support, and the wonderful publicity of the recent Lutherans Engage magazine article by Megan Mertz with photos by Erik Lunsford recently posted online. Truly outstanding! Don’t miss their short (1 and 1/2 minute) video clip as well––just scroll to the bottom of the post. Hope you enjoy this update….
Park_Taiwan_Sept24.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends, Greetings from Taiwan! I hope and pray that you are doing well. After my time in the U.S., I returned here and resumed my language studies. It is fun to see my teachers and meet new language students. Thank you so much for your prayers, financial support,…
Borgwardt_Taiwan_June2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Greetings in Christ, Please download or open my June 2024 newsletter for you to learn more about the work of your LCMS in Asia. The Holy Spirit continues to call people to faith across Asia as we spread the Gospel, plant Lutheran Churches, and show Mercy in the region….
Thews_Taiwan_April-May2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. News from Missionary Mindy Thews Serving the Lord in Taiwan 2024 April-May Newsletter Thank you for your support, prayers, and encouragement! Mindy Thews Lutheran Education Coordinator Asia Region – Chiayi City, Taiwan And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called…
Nelson_Indonesia_Apr2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Deja Vu All Over Again Ahhh, it seems like it was just April a couple of months ago! And yet, here it is again. Photos from our Home Service travels to Colorado, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Minneapolis enclosed. Thank you to everyone we were able to spend time with…
Jastram_Asia_May-June2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Serving the Lord in Japan: News from the Jastrams (May–June 2024) Dear Friend, Thank you so much for your prayers and support for LCMS mission work in Japan. It means a lot to us! To read our latest newsletter click the attachment. If you would like to schedule a mission…
Nelson_Indonesia_Mar2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. It’s March! Errr…belatedly? Want to re-live March of 2024? Us neither, but we do want to update you retroactively on what the last few months have been like for us during Home Service. March is just the beginning – stay tuned for several more newsletters in short order bringing…
Cima-Cambodia_May2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file.
Schaff_Taiwan_June2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends in Christ, We wanted to share the latest news. We will be traveling in the States for July and will be returning to Taiwan for next school year. We praise God for your continued prayers! Peace in Christ, Noel
Park_Taiwan_May2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends, Hello. I am excited to tell you that I will be in the U.S. for my home service. It will be wonderful to see you. May our Savior Jesus continue to bless you and your family. Have a great day! In Christ, Pastor Tom Park …
Paul-Michael_Taiwan_Apr2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear friends and family: Thank you for your interest and support! Attached is our April 2024 newsletter. In Christ, Pastor Michael and Jen-Yi “Irene” Paul Rev. Dr. Michael Paul Theological Educator to Taiwan LCMS Office of International Mission www.lcms.org/paul
Cima-Cambodia_Apr2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. What is love? Our April newsletter is attached! How do you define love? How does that compare to the way the Bible defines love? What does all this mean for the way we love? These were some of the questions J.P. posed to those gathered for a family…
Park_Taiwan_Apr24.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends, Greetings in the name of our risen Savior Jesus! Thank you for your continual prayers, encouragement, and financial support. My work is possible with your help. Thank you! I cannot believe that it is already May. I look forward to seeing many of you during my home…
Jastram_Asia_Mar-Apr2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Serving the Lord in Japan: News from the Jastrams (March–April 2024) Dear Friend, Thank you so much for your prayers and support for LCMS mission work in Japan. You can read our latest news in “Jastram Newsletter” attached. In order to schedule a mission presentation, please find instructions and a…
Thews_Taiwan_Jan-Mar2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. News from Missionary Mindy Thews Serving the Lord in Taiwan 2024 January-March Newsletter Thank you for your support, prayers, and encouragement! Mindy Thews Lutheran Education Coordinator Asia Region – Chiayi City, Taiwan Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed…
Schaff_Taiwan_Apr2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends in Christ, Sorry it has been so long! This year has been busy relearning my skill of teaching. Then this winter my old email account was hacked and it has taken me some time to rebuild my contacts in a new account. My apologies! Here is what…
Dear Prayer Partners, This episode of MISSION POSSIBLE has a double meaning: the tea we love to drink and TEA (Theological Education in Asia). Enjoy: https://youtu.be/rfhMRQ2WHrQ
Paul-Michael_Taiwan_Mar2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear friends and family: Thank you for your interest and support! Attached is our March 2024 newsletter. In Christ, Pastor Michael and Jen-Yi “Irene” Paul Rev. Dr. Michael Paul Theological Educator to Taiwan LCMS Office of International Mission www.lcms.org/paul
Mahlburg_Sri-Lanka_Apr2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends, Always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience 1 Peter 3:15-16 Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia! The resurrection of…
Dear Friends and Family: Many of you have asked if we’re doing okay after the massive earthquake that struck Taiwan yesterday. Thank you for your concern, and for your prayers for Taiwan. By our Lord’s grace, we are fine. We, and all the other LCMS missionaries, live on the western third of the island. The epicenter of the earthquake was…
Ferry_Asia_Mar2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Post-Earthquake Update We have been humbled and touched to have so many of you reach out to us individually to inquire about our well-being. The earthquake earlier this week certainly shook us, but there was no damage beyond a few things that fell and broke. We and all your…
Thanks to everyone for the outpouring of care and concern regarding the big earthquake in Taiwan today. We are all ok. The damage, death and injuries happened on the other side of the island, quite far away from us. The most updated news I just saw reports that it was a 7.4 magnitude earthquake on the East side of Taiwan…
Borgwardt_Taiwan_Feb2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Greetings in Christ, Christ is Risen! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia! I pray you and your family enjoyed a blessed Holy Week and you were once again reminded of the love of God in Christ and His great sacrifice on our behalf. I am attaching my February 2024 newsletter…
Cima-Cambodia_Mar2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Community Development in Ratanakiri Our March newsletter is available! Aimee is at it again, continuing work with partners to bring Christ-centered community development work to Ratanakiri province. What does it mean to be well? Click through to learn how rural Jarai Christians defined it! READ THE MARCH NEWSLETTER: click here!…
Park_Taiwan_Mar24.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Christ is risen! It is beautiful to celebrate Easter. When we are going through problems and witness discouraging things, we forget that Christ won against sin, Satan, and death. My friends, because Christ is risen, we have hope! It is time for us to look at Christ and receive…
Rhein_Asia-Region_-Apr24.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Dear Friends and Supporters, Thank you, as always, for your prayers and support. This month’s news comes primarily from Chiayi, Taiwan, where I spent the past month. Easter blessings to you, Deaconess Sandra Rhein Sandra · 546 Altgeld St · South Bend, IN 46614-1222 · USA
At Easter the power of the Resurrection is revealed, and in this episode of MISSION: POSSIBLE you can see some of that fruit in CHINA! Pass this on to others this Easter as I hope you enjoy a little bit of humor in the scene from Tombstone, Arizona as we think of the change made by Ole’ Missionary Gary…