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Meet the Woods
Matthew, Kali, Laurel, Eleanor, Caroline, and Kermit serve in Medan, Indonesia with LCMS International. Matthew supports The Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI), by mentoring pastors, providing continuing education, and overseeing translation projects.
November Events Exceed Expectations
The meeting between GKLI and LCMS leadership produced extremely edifying study and conversation. Leaders of the two church bodies gathered together for two days. These were not formal papers, but rather an across the table conversation and study. With this meeting the GKLI and the LCMS get a little closer to altar and pulpit fellowship.
Pastors, evangelists, and congregational teachers of the GKLI gather together to study the Formula of Concord. It may seem like an antiquated document for a Europeans context, but the Formula continues to be relevant even today and even in Indonesia.
Read more in the newsletter!
Support this Ministry!
You can be confident that your support is meaningful to this ministry! Please continue or consider sending special gifts to sustain our work in Southeast Asia. The challenges of keeping a whole family halfway around the world are significant. The costs of air fare, housing, schooling, visas and more can add up. But the work and people here are worth it for the sake of them hearing the Gospel. Your partnership will continue to influence how they spend eternity!
click here to send a contribution online
Download the presentation issue of the S.E.A. Side. Inside you will find brief stories from God’s work among the Gereja Kristen Luther Indonesia (The Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church-GKLI), Indonesian Fast Facts, an explanation of our listen-mentor-teach-translate approach, a bit about the Indonesian hymnal project, and a brief explanation of how this ministry is funded. Still have questions? To ask email matthew.wood@lcms.org.
Google Voice: (952) 491-0762.
This number works in Indonesia!
theseaside.asia has been updated! Pictures, updates, and family info have all been added. Check it out and stay up to date with what is happening!
Acrchives of the S.E.A.side are available. Visit Now!