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News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.
IT’S FALL YALL but it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. This is my favorite time of the year in Puerto Rico, it is cooler but still warm. To celebrate there are two newsletters in this email!
Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr.
In the October Issue:
- Puerto Rico Fall FORO.
- Church members serving and volunteering.
- Pictures from my abbreviated home-service.
In the November Issue:
- Short Term team of volunteers spotlight.
- Little helpers in the church.
- Thanksgiving in Puerto Rico.
- Decorating for Advent and Christmas.
October Newsletter and November Newsletter are attached!
May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.
Ashley Lehr
LCMS Missionary serving the Lord in Puerto Rico
If you click the button below you can read my past newsletters.
Are you a Mission Sender? Mission Senders commit to praying and supporting missionaries on a monthly or quartely basis. Find out more here: Mission Senders – The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (lcms.org)
I am tremendously thankful for my Mission Senders. As do those who give through Mission Central, these friends give me the blessing of continous encourgament and financal support.
To begin or continue supports LCMS mission work in Puerto Rico through me, make a secure, tax deductible gift through the LCMS website (https://www.lcms.org/lehr) or the Mission Central website (https://missioncentral.us/lehr/)
You may also mail a check to:
The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
[Payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or LCMS. Include “Lehr/Puerto Rico” on the memo line.]
Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034
[Payable either to The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod or Mission Central. Include “Lehr/Puerto Rico” on the memo line.]
My mailing address: Missionary Ashley Lehr in Puerto Rico · c/o 501 E McArthur St · Appleton, WI 54911-2117 · USA