
Ashley Lehr

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – August 2024

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Aug2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file.   News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Happy November! Yesterday we celebrated All Saint’s Sunday Observed with the first assembly of all our Lutheran Churches here in Puerto Rico. It was a marvelous day of history for the Lutheran Mission of Puerto Rico….

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – Jan-Feb 2024

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Jan-Feb2024.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file.   News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Happy Spring, May the Lord of love be with you this Lent season and always! Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In the January and February Issue:   Children’s English club. Picnic…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – December 2023

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Dec2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Epiphany and Happy Three Kings Day, Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In the December Issue: Peace, Hope, Joy, Love…It’s all about Jesus. Christmas English Workshop….

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Updates – Oct & Nov 2023

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Oct2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Nov2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. <![if !vml]><![endif]> News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  IT’S FALL YALL but it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. This is my favorite time of the year in Puerto Rico, it is…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) August and September

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Aug2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Sept2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  IT’S FALL YALL!! My favorite time of the year. To celebrate there are two newsletters in this email! Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – May-June 2023

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_May2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. Lehr_Puerto-Rico_June2023.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Happy Summer Friends! Two months’ newsletters for the price of one in this email! Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In the May…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – November 2022

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Nov2022_.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  We have entered my favorite time of the year. Happy Advent. Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In this Issue: A trip to Belize for their FORO and the Volunteer Coordinators Conference. What…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – October 2022

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Oct2022_.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. <![if !vml]><![endif]> News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  IT’S FALL Y’ALL. Happy Fall greetings from your sister in Christ serving the Lord in Puerto Rico. Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In this Issue: Confirmation of a new brother…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – September 2022

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Sept2022_.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  God is our refuge and strength,     a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 A comprehensive update about what happened before, during, and immediately following  Hurricane Fiona. My full September Newsletter and Hurricane Fiona Update is…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – August 2022

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Jul-Aug2022_.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Late Summer greetings from your sister in Christ serving the Lord in Puerto Rico. Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In this Issue: End of Summer Vacation Bible School. Teaching my first…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – June 2022

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_June2022_.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. <![if !vml]><![endif]> News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Greetings from your sister in Christ serving the Lord in Puerto Rico. Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In this Issue: Bible study at the river on Pentecost Sunday Reading…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – April & May 2022

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Apr-May2022_.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. <![if !vml]><![endif]> News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Greetings from your sister in Christ serving the Lord in Puerto Rico. Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In this Issue: The new renovations and repairs at our Mercy Centers….

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – Feb/March 2022

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Feb-March2022_.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. <![if !vml]><![endif]> News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Greetings in the wonderful Name of the Lord our God. Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In this Issue: My first short term team of volunteers in Puerto Rico. The…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – January 2022

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Jan2022_.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file. <![if !vml]><![endif]> News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Greetings in the wonderful Name of the Lord our God. Here is the latest update in the life of Missionary Ashley Lehr. In this Issue: An update on the healing of my ankle. Learning more about…

Lehr (Puerto Rico) Update – November 2021

Lehr – Puerto Rico October 2021 Newsletter Click icon to open, read, download or print file. News from LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico   Happy Fall Yall! Greetings in the wonderful Name of Jesus! Trusting this email finds you well, and that the great love of the Lord is descending upon you this fall. In this…

Lehr_Puerto Rico_Jan2021.pdf

Lehr_Puerto-Rico_Jan2021.pdf Click icon to open, read, download or print file.   One Year on the Mission Field of Latin America! This month I celebrated ONE FULL YEAR on the mission field! How did time pass so quickly? Read about what I learned in the past year and see a picture from every month.      If you click the button below…

Lehr_Puerto Rico_Aug2020.pdf

  Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Happy almost fall from my new home in Puerto Rico! I am very happy to have arrived in Mayaguez. Fall is my favorite season of the year but where did summer go? Read about how my summer flew by and how I am…

Lehr_Puerto Rico_Jun2020

    Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  I have been a missionary for ONE Year!   Throwback to 1 year ago in Wisconsin putting my acceptance letter in the mail!   Happy June from the Dominican Republic!  At this time last year I received my official appointment to be…

Lehr_Puerto Rico_May2020

  Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Eastertide Greetings, Christ has Risen, He has Risen Indeed Alleluia.   I continue to remain safe and health here in the Dominican Republic. I pray the same for you and your families. April 17th marked 3 months of living in the Dominican…

Lehr_Puerto Rico_Mar2020

  Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.    Hello from the Dominican Republic! Holy Week Blessings to you all. Please know that I am praying for us all as we social distance and trust in God. Amid the daily changes to life, we remember that God is always with us….

Lehr_Puerto Rico_Feb2020

  Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.    I have been on the field one MONTH!!! ¡Hola! ¡Buenos días! I pray this finds you well. I am excited to share with you what I have been up to during my first month in the Dominican Republic (DR).  It has…

Lehr_Puerto Rico_Jan2020

  Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.    Hello from the Dominican Republic! I pray this finds you doing well. January has been a wonderfully busy month for me. I received my official " Green-Light" right before Christmas. On January 17th I traveled to the Dominican Republic (DR) where…

Lehr_Puerto Rico_Dec2019

  Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.    Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas! Blessings to you this holiday season!  We have reached the end of a wonderful year and I pray this finds you doing well. This year, I graduated college and started serving the Lord as a Missionary. I begin…

Lehr_Puerto Rico_Oct2019

  Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.    Bienvenidos mis amigos!  Welcome my friends! I pray this finds you doing well. I am excited to share with you what I have been up to during the month of October. It has been a month full of learning, new relationships, and…


What a special BLESSING to have our missionaries Jamielynn Tinkey from the Dominican Republic and new missionary Ashley Lehr, going to Puerto Rico visit us on October 4th, 2019. These missionaries came to receive some educational training and update on their presentations.  It was a day of training, work and suggestions for helping them. Two special ladies drove up from…

Ashley Lehr-Puerto Rico – September 2019 Update

    Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Ashley Lehr and what God is doing in Puerto Rico.  Bienvenidos mis amigos!  Welcome my friends! I hope this finds you doing well. I pray that God blessed you with a relaxing summer filled with fellowship and many activities that you enjoy. This was an exciting summer for me because I…