Lehr_Puerto Rico_Jan2021.pdf
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One Year on the Mission Field of Latin America!
This month I celebrated ONE FULL YEAR on the mission field! How did time pass so quickly? Read about what I learned in the past year and see a picture from every month.
If you click the button below you can read my past newsletters.
Thank you for keeping me in prayer as I navigate life on the mission field! Thank you for all your support, and encouragement over the last year! I am so grateful that we are partners in the Gospel and we get to share about Jesus in Puerto Rico. I pray that you will continue to walk along side of me in the following year!
Dios Les Bendiga, May God Bless you! Ashley Lehr LCMS Missionary serving the Lord in Puerto Rico
Culture Corner Visit Yaucromatic with me in Yauco Puerto Rico.
God continues to bless our ministry through your prayer and financial support. Prayerfully consider partnering in God’s mission to Puerto Rico through a financial gift.
Send checks to:
LCMS International: P.O. Box 66861 St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 (Write “Lehr/Puerto Rico” on the memo line), or click the button above to give now.
You can also send your support to : Mission Central 407818 Highway E-16 Mapleton, Iowa 51034