Rev. Dominik Žbanek posts church information on the community bulletin board outside the church in Plzeň.
Czech Church Plans for Year Ahead
In January, we welcomed two new pastors to the ECAVvČR (Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in the Czech Republic) churches in Prague and Plzeň. The Czech congregation at St. Micheal’s in Prague welcomed Rev. Tomaš Živný as its pastor and Rev. Dominik Žbanek began serving the Czech congregation in Plzeň. Both pastors were called by their respective congregations last fall.
Our third Czech pastor, Rev. Martin Damašek, currently serves the English congregation at St. Michael’s in Prague while their pastor is out on medical leave. Rev. Žbanek and Rev. Damašek both continue to serve the church plant in Varnsdorf, about 2 ½ hours north of Prague. Having these mission-minded pastors accept their calls with the ECAVvČR is an answer to prayer.
I met with the pastors and church leadership early this year to discuss upcoming plans for my support of their work at each location. The main focus continues to be mission outreach and bringing the Gospel to the unchurched in the community.
In Prague, Rev. Živný and the congregation leader, Juraj Laššuth, expressed gratitude for your support that allows me to work with them. Together, we will work to increase the number of church members through various efforts, such as further developing the church website, increasing social media, holding special events and distributing Bibles in the area surrounding the church. In addition, we are working to welcome visitors to church services with information that helps them understand the liturgy.
The outreach in Plzeň, located about an hour from Prague, will focus more on reaching the large number of university students who live there, as well as families with children. Pastor Žbanek is setting up a new fellowship hall in the city’s center where we can hold Bible studies, meetings and special events, since the church is quite small and only rented for church services.
Please pray for the pastors in their new roles and for our work together to reach the Czech people with the Good News.
This month we remember God’s presence in our lives:
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)
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