

Meet the Woods

Matthew, Kali, Laurel, Eleanor, and Caroline serve in Medan, Indonesia with LCMS International. Matthew supports The Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI), by mentoring pastors, providing continuing education, and overseeing translation projects.



Learning How Not to Do It Myself.

It is no surprise that an American man like myself desires and enjoys being autonomous and self-sufficient. For example, I like being able to do projects around the house on my own and take pride in my work. In this newsletter I share a story of how God taught me that sometimes I need help and in Indonesia in order to get the help you need you also need strong relationships. Click below to read more and as always there are more updates at



A Blessed Independence Day

Even amidst the turmoil of this present moment USA Independence Day is an opportunity to thank God for how he blesses us through our Country and her leaders. Even through we are not in the US we do plan on having a small celebration as a family with some good old fashion American food: Cheese Cake, Macaroni and Cheese, and Chili Dogs (also with cheese). I think we will also take time to reflect on Hymn 966 in the Lutheran Service book, Before You Lord, We Bow. This is a great hymn that has it all. It recognizes that God is the King of this world, thanks God for the blessings he provides through through our nation, prays for the Gospel to be spread and for people to be brought to repentance, and looks forward to the Coming of Christ! 

 Before You, Lord, we bow, 
Our God who reigns above
And rules the world below,
    Boundless in pow’r and love.
Our thanks we bring
    In joy and praise,
    Our hearts we raise
To You, our King!
The nation You have blest
    May well Your love declare,
From foes and fears at rest,
    Protected by Your care.
For this bright day,
    For this fair land—
    Gifts of Your hand—
Our thanks we pay.
May ev’ry mountain height,
    Each vale and forest green,
Shine in Your Word’s pure light,
    And its rich fruits be seen!
May ev’ry tongue
    Be tuned to praise
    And join to raise
A grateful song.
Earth, hear your Maker’s voice;
    Your great Redeemer own;
Believe, obey, rejoice,
    And worship Him alone.
Cast down your pride,
    Your sin deplore,
    And bow before
The Crucified.
And when in pow’r He comes,
    Oh, may our native land
From all its rending tombs
    Send forth a glorious band,
A countless throng,
    With joy to sing
    To heav’n’s high King
Salvation’s song!


COVID-19 Update

All members of our family are currently healthy and staying at home.

We are still committed to staying in Indonesia. The city of Medan is loosening social distancing restrictions, but masks are still required in public places. Because Caroline, our 10 moth old daughter, cannot safely wear a mask it is not yet possible for us to go out as a whole family.  We pray that God would bring patience, peace, healing, and ultimately an end to this covid-19 pandemic.


  • Thanks giving for strong continued support!
  • Thanksgiving for health and safety during the covid-19 pandemic. 
  • Thanksgiving for God’s continued life lessons in Indonesia.. 
  • For Continued progress on the Indonesian Hymnal.
  • That Laurel and Caroline form friendships here in Indonesia.
  • For the GKLI and her continued faithfulness.

We Still Need You

As we look to the future your prayer and financial support is more important than ever! Our family is committed to staying in Indonesia through the covid-19 pandemic, but we cannot do that without you. Please continue to support us! Listen to the Lord’s work and read our newsletters. Pray for those we are serving in Indonesia. Tell others about this ministry. Continue your financial support! Our goal is to spend two years on the field before home service. Reaching this goal is important for our cultural acquisition and for the effectiveness of the ministry here. Click here to donate. has been updated! Pictures, updates, and family info have all been added. Check it out and stay up to date with what is happening!

Acrchives of the S.E.A.side are available. Visit Now! 




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