Helge_Czech Republic_Feb2020

Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Benjamin Helge and what God is doing in the Czech Republic and beyond.
Friends, family and missionaries wherever you are. The Lord guard and protect you during this very interesting time. God the Father is always in control. Jesus Christ sits on His throne as the true King. And we are never alone. The Spirit of the Lord is here. Have hope. Salvation is ours through Christ Jesus, our Lord.
While our boarders are closed down and movement around the city is restricted, we continue to share the Gospel here in the Czech Republic. Updates on how we are doing this are coming in the next week.
For now, as you read this newsletter, may it bring you a little sense of normalcy. I send you updates from last month and the various ways God gathered together different groups of people. Read my full newsletter for February. The Lord is most certainly good.
As always, thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement. Continue to tell of His great love.
Peace, Benjamin Helge LCMS Missionary serving the Lord in the Czech Republic and Eurasia
God provides for missionary service through people like you, through your partnership, one-time gifts and your on-going gifts. Prayerfully consider joining God’s mission to the Czech Republic and Eurasia through a financial donation. If you already support this mission, thank you!
To give today, send checks to LCMS International: P.O. Box 66861 St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 (Write "Helge Support" on the memo line), or click the "Give Now" button to give online.
You can also send your support to my friends at: Mission Central 407818 Highway E-16 Mapleton, Iowa 51034

Join me in making pizza on Saturdays. It’s a long standing tradition from the Postenrieder (my mom’s) side of the family. For years we used Appian Way mix. But now I use my grandma Helge’s recipe for the dough. Write me if you have any questions. And enjoy!
Crank up your over basically as high as it goes. And, if you don’t have a pizza stone, just put a pan into the over to heat up so that your pizza obtains a beautifully crunchy crust. Put in a bowl 1/3 cup of warm water, about 3 grams of dry yeast and 1 teaspoon sugar. Let it sit for five minutes (get that yeast action going). Add in a cup of flour, a pinch of salt, and one Tablespoon of oil. Knead for five minutes until the dough comes together (not too sticky but not too dry). Use it right away, or make it ahead of time and let it rise for an hour or two. (I suggest two hours.) Roll it out on some flour, top it as you like (here I had some salami, olives and sun-dried tomatoes), and bake for about 8 – 10 minutes. I think you’ll know when it’s done. Dobrou chuť!

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