
Wrucke_Czech Republic_Apr2019


April 2019

Serving the Lord in Eurasia
News from Missionary Cindy Zirbel Wrucke

I joined about 10,000 Czechs on April 27 for the annual Národní Pochod pro Život a Rodinu, or National March for Life and Family.  




Easter in Prague

Easter is, for me, even more important than Christmas. Our forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation didn’t happen in the manger, it was won for us through Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead.

So, it seems strange to live in a country where the familiar, “He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” at Easter is unfamiliar to so many.  I am blessed to have Christian landlords, but once I step outside the gate, I live in one of the most challenging mission fields in the world. Yet, the Christian history of this country is still evident today.

For example, my Czech calendar lists Velký Pátek (Great Friday), and many businesses close in the afternoon. Easter Sunday (Neděle Velikonočni) is also listed as Zmrtvýchvstání Krista, The Resurrection of Christ.  Thursday is named Zelený Čtvrtek, or Green Thursday, referring to the days of fasting—only eating green things—until Easter Sunday. Easter Monday (Pondéli Velikonoční) is also a national holiday in the Czech Republic, with most stores and businesses closed.

The church services at my Prague home congregation were familiar, with a few exceptions.  We held palm branches at the Czech service on Palm Sunday.  Maundy Thursday, or Green Thursday, was a special joint service with our Czech and English congregations together, which I always love.  We sang the same hymns with English and Czech words, and the sermon delivered by our Czech pastor was translated into English by our bilingual Czech deacon.

On Good Friday, though, I missed the stripped altar and the solemnity of services in America. I also missed the Easter Sunday traditions that go along with a beautiful Easter morning church service in my Wisconsin home congregation.  In Prague, there was no special music, choirs or flowers, and no Easter brunch.  But, the familiar message of the empty tomb brought joy, as well as the refrain, “He is risen indeed. Alleluia!”

(to read about a Czech traditional Easter food I tried, click the link below to read the full newsletter)



This month, I remember the history and pray for the future of the Czech people; one thing has never changed for them:

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” 

Hebrews 13:8 (ESV)




Would you like to arrange a mission presentation for your congregation or see my schedule of visits when I am back in America for home service this fall? Download the entire newsletter to find out more details.

Connect with me




Thank you for your prayers & support

Please Pray for:

•   Continued proficiency in my Czech language lessons.

•   The Czech people to hear the Gospel and seek Christ.

•   Missionaries from the LCMS Eurasia region, who are on home service raising support to continue serving in the field.

Give thanks for:

•   The special Easter cards and greetings from my American friends and family.

•   Healing in my sprained knee.

•   All of the individuals and congregations who have generously provided financial gifts and pledges, and who are helping make arrangements for my home service this fall.

Praise God for:

•   The gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, who conquered death and gives us life through Him.




To support the LCMS through the work of Cindy Zirbel Wrucke, you may send a tax-deductible gift to:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

Make checks payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or LCMS. Include “Wrucke-Eurasia Support” in the memo line.

Or, you can make checks payable and send to:

Mission Central
40718 Highway E16
Mapleton, IA  51034-7105

Include “Wrucke-Eurasia Support” in the memo line.

Gifts can also be given securely online through the LCMS website at

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My mailing address is:
Nad Želivkou 475
Prague 6 – Nebušice
164 00 Czech Republic 

Cindy Zirbel Wrucke · Nad Zelivkou 475 · Prague 6 – Nebusice 16400 · Czech Republic

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