Winter decends on Mission Central
It was 2003, when the old farm buildings were purchased here at Mission Central, and prior to that for 9 years God allowed us to work in the basement of our home right across the road. The years have gone quickly, however, NEVER BEFORE have we experienced the volume of snow that we were “blessed with” this past week!
The attached pictures seem to best tell the story and give you an idea of the volume of snow and the depth of the drifts. For three days we worked, and with the help of Gary’s nephew, Jim Thies, we were able to open up all the walks and access to our buildings here. With the help of our tenant, Tom Forbes and his big tractor and snow bucket, our parking was cleared….
We will be so happy to start mowing lawn, and will NOT complain over the amount of mowing that has to be done here. It was the worst snow we have experienced here at the Lord’s Mission Central.