What do “Not Normal” people do on December 24th?
As you all know the only kind of people we deal with here at the Lord’s Mission Central are people who are NOT NORMAL!!
Normal people would not be working on December 24th….but the people that God has called to help with HIS work, are very special NOT NORMAL people who are WILLING to do all they can to help get the work done for the Lord Jesus….even on December 24th!
The last two weeks of the month of December are BY FAR THE BUSIEST DAYS OF THE ENTIRE YEAR the blessings arriving at Mission Central for the support of the dear Missionaries and their families and the mission projects!
Here you see some of the NOT NORMAL volunteer helpers here in our office, who record gifts and make sure that the gifts are credited to the exact projects and missionaries. Yes, we were so blessed to have these dear volunteers come and spend this extra time…..and from the left to right you will see Missionaries Linda McWilliams from Pisgah, Iowa, Cynthia Ernst from Schleswig, Iowa, Pam Kovarna our faithful Secretary, who has been in charge of the office for 18 years, and Judy Seaman from Sioux City, Iowa and Zola Kafton from Mapleton, Iowa.
We thank God for sending these faithful workers for the Lord Jesus and the Great Commission that HE has called us to have the privilege of being a part of here at HIS MISSION CENTRAL!