It was one of those VERY SPECIAL DAYS, when the Lord called Ryan & Jessica Voelker to come to visit the world famous Mission Central!! Usually, Old Missionary Gary would be gone on Saturday traveling to speak at a congregation on Saturday….but, the Lord MUST have arranged to have him speak closer to home, and he was in his office on Saturday morning on the 25th of July! The telephone rang and a familiar voice of Missionary Ryan Voelker said, “Hey, Missionary Gary are you going to be home today at the office?” I indicated to him that YES, for a change I was home on Saturday……and Ryan continued…”if we drove up from Milford, Nebraska would we be able to have a tour?”
What a blessing to welcome these NOT NORMAL PEOPLE. Yes, they are people in the world, but not of the world. These dear friends have traveled to so many countries, and what a JOY to welcome them for an afternoon tour. They so much enjoyed seeing the entire campus of the Lord’s Mission Central! This couple had never had the opportunity to come and visit and this was their first time. I think they were a little SHOCKED at what the Lord has done here in the middle of nowhere!!
We are so, so, so much in need of wonderful young Christian Couples like Ryan and Jessica in the world today. They “really, really get it”. What a JOY to pray with young people like this, and it’s an encouragement to Old Missionary Gary!
Here you see them in Old Missionary Gary’s office with our Boss in the background.