

We have amazing MIRACLES happen here at the Lord’s Mission Central!  That certainly was the case on Saturday the 9th of July when the Lord sent not one, but THREE missionaries to report on their work at their callings.

Yes, Barbara Rebentisch from Taiwan came to report on her important work in this land of darkness.  Barb is such a HUGE blessing, because the Lord enabled her to learn the Mandarin Language and she is able to teach Bible Classes and Sunday Schools in the “heart language” of the people and doesn’t need an interpeter.

Rev. Carl Hanson and his family came to present on their calling to the International Lutheran Church at Seoul, Korea.  It was such a blessing to hear how the Lord is using this family in such a special way!

Caitlin Ramirez and her family reported on their calling to go to Peru, where they will sharing the message of Jesus to people who have never heard of our Savior.

Here you see five pastors with their hands on these missionaries as they pray for them and send them off to return to their calling in these lands of darkness.

It was truly a day we will never, never forget…God is still “calling” people and what a privilege and JOY to help send these dear missionaries.