Boom, boom, boom!
I thought February was the short month?! I should have known March would fly by with three major events in a row – boom, boom, boom: a FORO partner meeting, a short-term team, and my 3rd support-trip to Jamaica. The FORO was an enjoyable, educational, and edifying reminder of how privileged I am to witness the Holy Spirit at work here daily. The FORO report cover letter highlighted 20 milestones in the past six months. Twenty! The list grew as the weekend wore on. Then, after an exhausting yet exhilarating week in Santo Domingo with six volunteers from Tampa, FL, I still wonder why everyone doesn’t want my job. And last but not least, I’m en route to Montego Bay as you read this, and by the time I get back to Santiago, it’ll be April.
Lenten blessings to you and yours as we journey with our Savior to the cross!