The Heckmann family visits Mission Central
This story began 24 years ago! Old Missionary Gary had just started making calls in his first year, and he called a Rev. John M. Heckmann who was the pastor of St. John Lutheran Church of Kramer, Nebraska…but they had a Crete, Nebraska address. Yes, Rev. Heckmann was the pastor of this wonderful rural church located in the hills of Nebraska. When Old Missionary Gary met him for the very first time he could see that this pastor was truly NOT NORMAL, because even though this Missionary Gary was a layman, with no education, this NOT NORMAL pastor was willing to let this guy come and speak to the members of St. John. That was the beginning of this story.
The years past and what a blessing to know the members of this wonderful congregation. Special people and just last Sunday on June 17th I had the honor and privilege of speaking at St. John’s congregation again with the Honorable Missionary Pastor Maynard Toensing, who serves this special group of sheep! The years have past, but our friendship remains with this special NOT NORMAL congregation that just recently visited Mission Central, with their loving and caring pastor.
Well, what do you know? On Friday the 22nd of June, I received an e-mail from Rev. John M. Heckmann and his family that they are in the area, and they currently are serving the Lord’s congregation at St. Paul Lutheran Church at The Grove, Texas. They were wanted to come and see Mission Central. What a blessing to have them come and visit this MIRACLE PLACE! What a JOY to welcome our dear, dear friend, Pastor John Heckman and his family. Rev. Heckman’s Michael is a pastor serving a congregation in Texas also. When old Missionary Gary visited them the first time Michael was just a little boy, and the girls were just so small…and then on June 22nd we received word that this special family was coming to visit MISSION CENTRAL! What a blessing to welcome Rev. John Heckman and his dear wife, and their two daughters.
We had a brief tour, and were able to pray together in our little wayside prayer chapel, and then we just had to take a picture of this special NOT NORMAL family in front of our Boss here at the Lord’s Mission Central. It was such a blessing and encouragement. This is why we can go day after day for Jesus…because HE sends us special friends for 24 years…Rev. John M. Heckmann and his dear family. What a blessing!