
St Paul Lutheran Ida Grove 7th graders visit Mission Central


It was an evening event, when Missionary Rev. Neil Wehmas from St. Paul Lutheran Church at Ida Grove, Iowa brought the 7th graders to come and visit the Lord’s Mission Central. 

These young people wanted to see what God can do in the middle of nowhere with an old set of farm buildings. 

Yes, the tour started at the little chapel with a prayer for the Lord to bless their time together here at THE LORD’S MISSION CENTRAL.  Then the group saw the pictures in the Ministry Center and moved into the Lord’s Creation Theater for a tour there. 

Finally, the group ended in the barn to see how THE WORD BECAME FLESH AND DWELT AMONG US!  They enjoyed the artifacts, and the special story of the items from the Jungle of Papua New Guinea, and especially the Idols from the mountains and jungles. 

It was indeed a special evening, and they returned to Ida Grove with a great deal to tell their parents.