Yes, it was one of those very, very special days on December 16th, 2023 here at Mission Central. So much “history” was reviewed with the arrival of some very, very dear old “aviation friends”!!! Pictured in these 3 pictures are a part of the history of this MIRACLE PLACE. In the picture with the aircraft, you see on the left the Honorable Dr. Bob Willson from Omaha, Nebraska and on the right the Honorable Missionary Pilot, Nate Predoehl of Omaha. These two men provided old Missionary Gary with many, many hours of flight time flying to so many congregations to speak about our dear missionaries around the world.
In the one photo with the two men you will see Nate on the left and Bob on the right in our office with our Boss in the background. These dear friends brought some very special friends with them being Dr. Joseph Dumba and his wife Sabina from Omaha, Nebraska also. This special group of friends enjoyed a complete tour of the entire facilities here at Mission Central. It was truly a day we will always remember. God sends special friends like these dear Christian friends to keep us going day after day to carry out HIS work at this MIRACLE PLACE!