
Special missionaries from Lutheran Hour Ministries come to Mission Central















It was one of those SPECIAL days that the Lord provides during our journey we call life.  Yes, on April 17th, 2018 we enjoyed having special friends who came for a tour of the World Famous Mission Central here in the hills of Western Iowa.

The Lord sent some very special NOT NORMAL friends that old Missionary Gary has known for many, many years.  The Honorable Missionaries Dr. Dennis Denow, who served the Lord Jesus for 37 years so faithfully as a career missionary for the LCMS and his lovely wife, the Honorable Missionary Monta Denow, currently serving as Director of Lutheran Hour Ministries in Thailand.  Also, we were blessed to have the Honorable Missionary Dr. Chris Myers representing Lutheran Hour Ministries in St. Louis, and the Honorable Missionary Dr. Gunya Na Thalang, Regional Director the Lutheran Hour Ministries in all of Asia.

We were able to pray together and they enjoyed seeing the offices, the Ministry Central, and then having the opportunity of seeing the Creation Theater presentation and the Barn Museum also.  What a blessing to have the time to finish their tour with a final prayer time in the little wayside prayer chapel, that the Lord gave to us.

What a JOY to spend time with these dear friends that “really, really get it”.  It was a time we will long, long remember.

Pictured here in Gary’s office with our Boss in the background is Left to Right:  Dennis Denow, Monta Denow, Chris Myers, and Gunya NaThalang.