Yes, miracles keep right on happening at the Lord’s Mission Central. What a JOY to welcome staff, missionaries and special co-workers from the Office of International Missions and the Advancement Department from our LCMS Office in St. Louis, Missouri.
This group of truly NOT NORMAL people arrived on Monday afternoon the 9th of May and what a joy to provide them a tour of this MIRACLE PLACE THAT ONLY GOD COULD HAVE PROVIDED!
It was truly a special time for tours, training and orientation of the Lord’s World-Famous Mission Central. We were able to welcome 7 new missionaries going to Belize, Tanzania, Germany and Latvia. It was an honor to welcome 4 Staff people from the International Center. Also, pictured is our volunteer cooking specialist, Peggy Wunchel and visitor from Casey, Iowa, the Honorable David Kading.
Here you see this very special group of people by our Mission Central banner in the ministry center. It was a very, very special two days!