It was 20 years ago that old Missionary Gary was invited to come and speak at Christ Lutheran Church at Cairo, Nebraska, by the sainted pastor Glenn Keylon. At that very first meeting, it was a blessing to meet some very NOT NORMAL people by the name of Paul and Marilyn Wilhelm, who live at Danneborg, Nebraska.
They have been faithful friends for all these years and then on June 14th, they came to visit Mission Central for the very first time. They had the opportunity to be a part of a group that came at 7:00 PM that evening and Paul and Marilyn had the chance to see the tour and what goes on here at this MIRACLE PLACE!
What a JOY and BLESSING to have these folks come and see what God can do with an old set of farm buildings in the middle of nowhere!
Here you see Paul and Marilyn right next to our Boss here at HIS Mission Central.