
James Sharp (Uruguay) Update – December 2022

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Sharp Family Missionaries

December 2022 Newsletter

We have had a busy few months in Uruguay. New missions! New ministry centers! New buildings! New co-workers! A visit from LCMS Communications!

Erik Lunsford of LCMS Communications taking pictures as the sun sets over the Rio de la Plata in Montevideo, Uruguay

Erik Lunsford, LCMS Communications, takes pictures at sunset along the Rio de Plata in Montevideo. Click here for an article about the world in Uruguay, written by Kevin Armbrust and with lots of great pictures from Erik in the Winter issue of Lutherans Engage the World.

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Our mailing address is:

Pastor James and Angie Sharp

203 Avenue A

Denison, IA 51442

Your prayers and voluntary support keep this work moving forward!

Thank you!

If the Lord has you in a position to consider a gift today:


or contact Gary Thies.