
Regional Treasurer’s meeting at Mission Central


What a JOY to welcome the Regional Gathering of treasurers from Iowa District West at Mission Central on November 3rd, 2018.  They began their meeting under the watchful eye of Dr. Roger Curtis, Executive Treasurer of Iowa District West!  Approximately 30 treasurers, and Pastors came for a full day of educational training for treasurers in our congregations.

The presenter for the day was the Honorable Dr. Paul Pettit, Esquire, CPA and Executive Treasurer of the Nebraska District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, from Seward, Nebraska.  Paul spoke from 9:30AM until 3:12PM and it was truly an outstanding day of factual and helpful information for our church treasurers.

Here in the pictures you will see Dr. Pettit presenting, and also the entire group being fed the noon meal, which was provided by our capable Volunteer Food Staff at Mission Central.  It was truly a worthwhile day!