He is Risen! He is risen Indeed, Alleluia!
This was certainly an unusual Easter season, we were not able to join together as the church of Christ in person with the full glory of our Easter celebration. Our family participated in Holy Week daily devotions online and had Easter worship on Facebook LIVE with our local church. Although it wasn’t an Easter like we’ve had in the past, it’s still an Easter to rejoice about! There’s so much to be thankful for and rejoice over. Corona Virus has stopped so much but it couldn’t stop Easter. Christ has still risen! Yes its true He has risen Indeed! Corona Virus made us stay in our homes, but it can’t keep Christ in the grave. He has beaten death, the devil and sin. He has won for us salvation and life everlasting. We suffer now under the attacks of the devil but this is not the end, Easter is Here! Christ is victorious, we are victorious! We can rejoice and celebrate in this time of suffering knowing exactly how sweet the gifts of our Lord are. So with joyous shouts we say He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed Alleluia!
Our congregation put this together to show all who joined together for Easter Worship even though we could not be physically together in the church building.
COVID-19 Update
We are doing well here in the Dominican Republic. We continue to shelter in place at home, going out in the neighborhood for walks and the bare essentials in grocery stores. The country remains under a state of emergency with an evening curfew of 5pm until May 1. It is mandatory to wear a face mask any time you leave the house. And they are checking temperatures at the grocery store. We have over 5,700 cases of COVID-19 in country with the numbers still growing every day. All missionaries and church members here are healthy and doing well. Due to Corona, we have been unable to have any form of day care for Abraham. As such, I have been on full-time mommy duty, and working during nap time and as I can from home. It has been a blessing and joy to be able to spend the extra time with Abraham.
Are you able to work during all of this?
YES, we are working!
Jeancarlos continues to have his same class load every day. Instead of going to the seminary all classes have been held online. He has class over Zoom every morning and spends the afternoon doing homework. Regular classes ended this week. He will still have class in May, but it is a special semester of intensive classes.
I, Caitlin, have been working part-time from home. I am teaching a weekly bible & book study for the seminary wives. I also call our Dominican church members to provide virtual visitation and encouragement during this time. I have been providing the ladies with daily devotions. A special project for me is helping our deaconess students to learn how to prepare Sunday school materials, which we send out virtually to the families each week. I have been working to help our congregations to provide for the physical needs of community members who are not working and cannot get basic food and medicine during this time.
Our congregation in the Dominican Republic helped provide food and medicine for six families in the community who are struggling to provide for their basic needs due to restrictions from COVID-19.