Pastor Derek Evans visits Mission Central
October 8th, 2018 was truly a wonderful and special day to welcome Rev. Derek Evans from St. Paul Lutheran Church at Aurelia, Iowa! Rev. Evans had never had a chance to come and visit the Lord’s Mission Central, and on this special Monday, Rev. Evans was personally escorted by Missionary Deke Rempfert from Aurelia, Iowa!
What an honor and privilege it was to have Pastor Evans visit and see what God can do with an old set of farm buildings in the hills of Western Iowa. It was such a blessing! Pastor Evans had the opportunity to pray for Missionaries Rev. Dale and Suzanne Kaster from the Czech Republic and John Wolf and John Kissinger from Kenya in East Africa. It was truly one of those special days!
Pastor and Deke, came and toured the Creation Theater, the Barn Museum and the offices. Here you see Rev. Evans and Deke in front of our Boss here at Mission Central.