“Not Normal” people from Grand View University come to Mission Central
It was truly one of those very special days that the Lord used to bring 3 very, VERY “NOT NORMAL” people here for a visit to the world famous Mission Central!
Yes, at 1:07PM the staff members and the president of the famous Grand View University of Des Moines, Iowa came for a personal visit to see “what in the world goes on at this MIRACLE place!”
Pastor Mark Mattes knew of this place before and wanted his co-workers to come and see what God can do in the middle of nowhere, utilizing an old set of farm buildings. What a blessing to welcome the Honorable Dr. Kent Henning, President of the University and his associates Alex Krumm and Pastor Mark Mattes.
The group enjoyed a tour of the facilities and was able to see the display of animals in the new creation theater, travel to the barn museum and what a blessing to pray with these special Christian men in the little wayside Chapel before their trip home!
Here you see these three special guests in front of our Boss here at Mission Central, from left to right…Alex, Kent and Mark. What a blessing to have them come and these are new NOT NORMAL friends that we won’t quickly forget!!!! They invited us to come and visit Grand View University, and we indeed will do just that to tell students about our dear Savior Jesus!