
Not Normal parents arrive at Mission Central


With farm background, farm experience, rabbits, ducks, geese, sheep and so much more…the wealth of the rural background comes to life and give to people amazing wisdom.  Especially, if they deal with bees also.

That was the background of the amazing Wolf Family.  Yes, what a blessing to welcome the mom and dad of one of the finest of our missionaries, John Wolf.  Both Dale and Joyce Wolf came for a special tour and meeting on a sub-zero day on the 28th of January.

Traveling through this part of the world, Dale and Joyce just “had to stop” so Dale (who hadn’t seen this miracle place) could see what God can do with an old set of farm buildings in the middle of NOWHERE!

It was such a blessing to visit with these special NOT NORMAL people and then we could clearly understand how their son, John, was so NOT NORMAL also.  It was one of the best “visits” we’ve had in a long, long time….what a blessing to have them stop and be with us.  Here you see this special Christian people in front of our Boss here at the Lord’s Mission Central.