
Not Normal family from Denison visits Mission Central

Yes, ONE person in a family can truly make a difference. That is, of course, if you are NOT NORMAL! Some time ago, old Missionary Gary received a call from Missionary Rachel Desy from Denison, Iowa. She stated that she wanted to bring “her family” over to the Lord’s Mission Central for a “family tour”.

On Friday evening January 31st, 2020 at 7:00 PM, what a blessing it was to have this family come for an evening tour of the Ministry Center, the Lord’s Creation Theater and the Barn Museum.

It truly was a special time to be with this family. Here in the photo taken in the barn, you can see Missionary Rachel just to the right of Old Missionary Gary. It truly was a time we will always remember, because that night we truly made some real memories that will last a lifetime.