Not Normal couple from Salt Lake City stop in at Mission Central
Old missionary Gary was working late in the office again and was supposed to be at the Lord’s Mission Central, when he looked out and there late in the evening two people were walking on the grounds of Mission Central.
The folks were the Not Normal couple that God sent to visit late in the evening, and there were the Honorable Missionaries, the Rev. Dr. Hank Malone and his lovely wife Dianne….ALL THE WAY FROM SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. The Lord told them to stop on their journey to be with their family in St. Louis….and as God has it planned we had the privilege of visiting about the Lord’s work here on earth!
What a JOY to welcome these folks, and old Missionary Gary could tell right away that these folks were definitely NOT NORMAL.
Here you see these special missionaries in front of our Boss, and we will never, never forget our wonderful time together….talking about our dear Lord Jesus.