
News from the Mission Field in Germany

Vol. 4, No. 2 August 2020

Deaconess in Deutschland
Helping refugees find refuge in Christ

Dear Friends,

I pray that you are well and finding encouragement in God’s Word during these trying times. I am so thankful to each of you for your prayers, encouragement and support! It means so much to me as I serve here in Germany! Please check out my latest newsletter below to see what God has been up to on the mission field in Leipzig. I have also included a link to one of our livestreamed services. This is an example of the combined German and Farsi service that we have once a month. English translation is also included. Feel free to check out more of our videos on our YouTube channel:  Die Brücke Lutherische Kirchenmission.

Click below to read my August newsletter, and please share with your congregation, group, or anyone else you think may be interested.  If you forward this email, please use the button near the bottom just above archived newsletters to do so. Some have inadvertently been unsubscribed by someone they forwarded the email to, but using the button below prevents that from happening.  Thanks!

Peace to you in Christ!
Deaconess Kim

Read the August Newsletter Here!

One of our livestreamed services in both German and Farsi
(with English translation)

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