
New missionary friends at St. Paul Lutheran in Sac City, Iowa


It was truly one of those VERY, VERY, VERY BLESSED AND SPECIAL SUNDAYS! Yes, on March 15th, 2020, Old Missionary Gary traveled to speak at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Sac City, Iowa! What a privilege to work with Missionary Pastor Don Pobanz and his flock of missionaries that God has given to him!

After speaking in over 1700 congregations, Old Missionary Gary, is so excited that with each congregation….there are special people that God has “waiting” to hear what the Lord is doing in HIS mission fields. On this special Sunday the amazing Pasche was just WAITING for the message.

In Bible Class and worship, there were three special Missionaries waiting for the report, and what an honor to meet the twins, Fern and Hutton Pasche and their little sister, the REMARKABLE MISSIONARY HAZEL PASCHE!

Old Missionary Gary would tell IMMEDIATELY THAT THESE CHILDREN WERE TRULY “NOT NORMAL”….THEY WERE VERY, VERY SPECIAL! We know that the Lord has 3 special chairs in heaven for these dear young NEW friends. Here you see Gary and his pal Hazel, and then all three of these special Missionaries! It was a day Old Missionary will never, never forget, because HAZEL was the name of Gary’s dear mom, who is waiting for us in our real home! I know that these two Hazel’s will really be so happy to see each other!! What a day it was!!!!!