
Natalie Howard – Dominican Republic April 2018 Update

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In April, I assisted with Disaster Response efforts for hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. I work closely with our team there to account for the purchases of relief supplies and forecast, but this time I was the ‘boots on the ground’ and distributed bags with our mission team. There were about 200 Puerto Ricans from a local barrio– or district of a town usually having a high level of poverty–gathered at a community center waiting to receive relief supplies and in so waiting, heard the gospel of our Lord and Savior. After the message, people lined up one by one where our evangelists handed out bags and prayed and shared blessings with these people. This is one of the ministry highlights in my recent work here in Latin American and the Caribbean. Read my full newsletter and like my Facebook page Natalie Howard Missionary to learn more.

April 2018 Newsletter


Missionary Natalie Howard distributing relief supplies to hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. Photo courtesy of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod/Erik Lunsford.


Missionary Natalie Howard packing relief bags. Photo courtesy of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod/Erik Lunsford.