
Asia Region

Click on the person’s name below for more information. Due to work in sensitive areas, a number of people are not listed. To provide support in these areas please contact Old Missionary Gary at or (712) 882-1029.

Hannah Hester Asia Region
Samuel Borgwardt Taiwan
Charles and Cheryl Ferry Taiwan
Sandra Rhein Taiwan
Thomas Park Taiwan
Rebecca Bartelt Taiwan
David and Barbara Bush Taiwan
JP and Aimee Cima  Cambodia
Andrew and Noel Schaff Taiwan
Mindy Thews Taiwan
Barbara Rebentisch Taiwan
Daniel and Joan Jastram Japan
Steve and Martha Mahlburg Sri Lanka
Joshua Wareham Sir Lanka
Michael and Irene Paul Taiwan
Carl and Chenhsi Hanson  South Korea
Matt and DeeDee Wasmund South Korea
Ron and Mary Anne Rall Papua New Guinea
Carol Halter (please contact Mission Central directly for an Adoption Agreement) Taiwan
Matthew Wood (please contact Mission Central directly for an Adoption Agreement) Indonesia
Paul Nelson (contact Mission Central for an Adoption Agreement) Indonesia

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