
Mission News from the Wildauers

Fellow Redeemed,
Greetings to you in our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that this newsletter reaches you in good health and wellbeing.
While most of our newsletters address the work which is taking place on the field, we wanted to answer the questions which many have asked in various forms. “Where are you now and how did you get there?” Thus, this newsletter follows our departure from Dapaong to the U.S. due to the pandemic.
Though discussed in the newsletter, this departure will also necessitate a move on the mission field. I’d like to reiterate something here. We are still working with the Office of International Mission (OIM) as a missionary family. Though in the United States due to the virus, we are in conversation with the OIM and considering other options of service abroad. Therefore, we solicit your prayers for discernment and clarity at this time. In the near future, we will update you as a plan is implemented.
I would also like to thank you for the prayers which you have prayed on behalf of my family and for missionaries everywhere. We have been blessed. Also, with many financial gifts, we have been well-supplied during these past few months of waiting and wonder. In a way, the Network Support Model for missionaries has built-in security for situations such as these. I have truly seen the Church in action. For the many who have given gifts through Mission Central, I cannot encourage you enough to continue doing so. This isn’t just for us, but for the multitude of missionaries and mission projects on the field abroad which you are supporting.
Feel free to pass along this newsletter to others or to have it posted somewhere at your church in total or partial form. You are welcome to take excerpts for your monthly congregational newsletters as well. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
The Lord’s peace be yours in abundance,
Pastor Micah Wildauer & Family
LCMS Missionary–Theological Educator