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McMillers in Italy May/June Newsletter!
Greetings in the name of Jesus! Even though I had to return to the US for a time to finish my visa application, as soon as I had the visa in hand, I was back in Italy, continuing the work Christ has called me to do! Unfortunately, this visa process has forced me to return to Italy without my family. This time of separation has been difficult and there is a lot of Italian bureaucracy… Please join me in praying that we can be united soon!
As an extension of my work in Rome, I continue to travel to Florence twice a month to visit Roberto Scafa in his home (top picture). The two men in Rome (Lorenzo and Joshua) studying to be pastors also joined me on my last trip. We had a beautiful Divine Service of the Sacrament on his kitchen table- preaching, hymns and the Lord’s Supper.
I continue to travel across Italy, visiting the contacts that we have in different parts of the Peninsula. Traveling to the North East corner of Italy, I visited Luiz Lange (a man studying to be a pastor) in a city called Padova. I was also able to meet again with two women (Elisa and Sandie) on that same trip who live in Padova… thanks be to God, Luiz and I will be starting catechism with both Elisa and Sandie in the beginning of July!
Back in Rome, I had the pleasure of beginning catechism classes with a man named Vicenzo. Vicenzo, like many in our church in Italy, found out about the LCMS through the internet. Vicenzo reads and understands English well, but I praise the Lord that my Italian has reached the point where it is best that we have catechism classes in Italian. Please pray that God gives me the words to comfort Vicenzo with the promise of the Gospel in Jesus Christ our Lord!
Lastly, my catechism classes with Giovanni Caputo have been completed. I rejoice that Giovanni wants to become a member of the Confessional Lutheran Church in Italy. On the bottom, you can see a picture that I took on my trip to visit him in Turin (Northwest corner of Italy). We look forward to his confirmation in July. More pictures to come!
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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod P.O. Box 66861
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Thank you for your prayers and support! |
What more can I say than, “to God be the glory”! I thank you for your prayers and financial support for my work in Italy! Amen!
Rev Tyler, Yanela, Lia and Alessia McMiller