
McMiller (Italy) Update – December 2024

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McMillers’ December 2024 Italy Newsletter

Many blessings to you all during this time of Advent as we prepare for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! For the last newsletter of the year, I would like to give an overview of the miracles that our Lord Jesus Christ is doing in Italy. I thank you for your generous financial partnership in making this work possible. Please keep my work in Italy in your prayers!

Starting in the Northeast of Italy, in Padova, Seminarian Luiz Lange is finishing his last year of online classes at Luther Academy. Alongside both his seminary class and his secular vocation, he is working hard to be in contact with people across Northern Italy. Last month, after countless hours of communication, we were able to schedule a Divine Service in a cultural center near his home. One family had even traveled 6 hours one way, all the way from Milan. Many of these people are Lutherans who had immigrated to Italy from partner churches in Germany or Brazil (picture above).

Traveling farther south, on the first Tuesday of each month, I travel to our house church in Florence and meet with Roberto Scafa and his family. A man named Filipe also travels three hours by bus to meet us there and receive the Lord’s Supper. In the picture on the right, you can also see Rosa, a woman from the Finnish state Lutheran church who is studying art in Florence. Currently, we are studying the catechism for her confirmation.

Going back to Rome, we have a Divine Service every Saturday evening at a church building we rent within walking distance of the Pantheon (in the heart of downtown Rome). Our two seminarians, Joshua Salas and Lorenzo Murrone, are also finishing their last year of studies at our online seminary of Luther Academy, Riga. Our downtown congregation (named Christus Victor) is an international group of people from Finland, Brazil, Italy, Pakistan, the Dominican Republic and the US. Even still, our faith in Jesus Christ and our Lutheran confession (alongside the Italian language) is what unites us.

Meanwhile, different outreach events continue from our living room home on the outskirts of Rome. This is with a different group of people who have no connection with the Lutheran Church and are very new to Christianity. Every Thursday, we have a Bible Study, sing hymns and share a meal. The last Thursday in November, we celebrated an American-style Thanksgiving party and studied the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers. Thank you so much for your prayers and for your generous partnership in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the Italian Peninsula.

In the name of Jesus!
Rev Tyler, Yanela, Lia, and Alessia McMiller
Italian phone number: +39-346-327-0882

To support our work financially, you may send a tax deductible gift to:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis MO 63166-6861


Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, Iowa 51034

Make checks payable to The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
OR to Mission Central

On the memo line write: “Support of Tyler McMiller.”

Gifts can also be given securely online at or


Thank you for your prayers and support!

Our mailing address is:

LCMS in Italy

433 Bethany Ct

Valley Park, MO 63088-2307