McMiller (Italy) Update – December 2021
Brothers and sisters in Christ!
Thank you all so much for your prayers for my mission work in Italy. We have big news to share this December newsletter… we will be traveling to Rome to sign for an apartment! Having an apartment contract is an essential part of our visa application process. Once we have the contract, we will be able to finish our visa application.
To learn more about the exciting things that Christ is doing in Italy, click the attached December Newsletter!
Many thanks to so many of you for your Christian generosity! To make a tax-deductible offering to my work, follow the link or consult the attached prayer card.
Thank you all so much! Please keep our trip in your prayers!
In Christ,
Rev. Tyler McMiller
Church Planter/Theological Educator in Italy through LCMS OIM
Tel/WhatsApp, 314-348-1526
433 Bethany Ct
Valley Park, MO 63088
Neque enim erat difficile benignissimo Deo gestabilem ac tolerabilem se praebere humanae conditioni.