“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
~ Ephesians 2:10
Newly commissioned vicars (year 3 seminary students) from the midwest and northern deaneries alongside Bishop Charles Bameka
Preparing the Way
The Lutheran Church of Uganda (LCU) has continued their work of training men for ministry, especially through the Lutheran Theological College Uganda (LTCU) these past several months. Even with the disturbances of COVID-19, the LTCU was able to finish the semester that was interrupted by the lockdown in March. So, the 2019-2020 school year finished in late October. For the past several months, there have been two training centers for the students to finish the semester: one was at the seminary in the eastern part of the country while other students gathered in Masindi, which is in the midwestern part of the country.
As the semester ended, twelve men from five different deaneries, were ready for their vicarage. Vicarage is an internship year that is completed during the third year of seminary training and is done in students home regions. Because of health protocols in Uganda, the Lutheran Church of Uganda had two separate commissioning services, located in the same deaneries as the training took place. These twelve men will spend their internship year putting into practice what they have learned at seminary thus far. They will be supervised under the pastors and deans in their areas. These students are the third class of vicars since the seminary started in 2016, so we praise God for the continuation of this ministry.
As the vicars prepare for their year of service and hands-on learning, the LTCU started the first semester of the 2020/2021 school year in November. Typically, this semester starts in August. So, as vicars were preparing to be sent out, new and returning students were preparing for seminary. For this school year, the first semester will go from November, 2020-February, 2021. The second semester of the 2020/2021 school year will resume in March, 2021. We praise God that the Holy Spirit continues to prepare men for ministry through the Lutheran Theological College Uganda.
Megan receives a gift of papaya from Monica Kaija in midwestern Uganda
Ministry & Home Service Information
After being at our home in Jinja, Uganda for most of the year, it was a joy to travel with the Lutheran Church of Uganda in November to celebrate life and ministry together. As the vicarage commissioning services were in two different locations this year, we were able to go and visit with people that we are not able to see as often. It is always a joy to be with the students as they prepare for this stage in ministry in their year of learning and practical application. We praise God that we have been able to walk alongside the three classes of vicars since we came to Uganda in 2017.
When we travel to different areas, we praise God for the friendships we have in Christ Jesus as we serve Him together. Sharing a meal, worshipping together and learning about life and ministry since last together always brings big smiles and great joy, even when sharing about the trials and tribulations. Life together is always worth celebrating, especially when centered on Christ
2020/2021 HOME SERVICE
Every two years LCMS missionaries have the opportunity to return to the United States and share a ministry update with congregations and individual supporters. This December, January and February, we are happy to be able to visit some congregations and individual supporters in some parts of the US.
This home service we are limiting our travel, but we are thankful we are still able to connect via Zoom with many congregations. We are also thankful for time to connect with our family in North Carolina and New Mexico. We look forward to visiting in person with other regions at a future time. Thank you for keeping us in prayer as we travel and share ministry updates with congregations this winter.
This year, as we follow various state guidelines, we will stay in certain regions. Please contact us if your congregation would like to learn more about connecting in-person or via Zoom for a midweek gathering.
- December 7 – St. Paul – Glen Burnie, MD
- December 13 – Our Savior – Laurel, MD
- December 14 – Good Shepherd – Herndon, VA
- December 20 – Redeemer – Richmond, VA
- December 27 – Risen Christ – Myrtle Beach, SC
- January 10 – Family of Christ – Colorado Springs, CO
- January 17 – Holy Cross – Colorado Springs, CO
- January 24 – Grace – Destin, FL
- January 31 – Trinity – New Port Richey, FL
- February 7 – Resurrection – Cary, NC
- February 14 – St John – Alexandria, VA
Please Pray for:
- Health and safety as we travel during home service
- Health, safety and healing for God’s people around the world
- The LCU as they continue to plan, prepare and implement ministry nationwide
- The LTCU students resuming seminary classes in October, November and December of 2020
- For the LCU pastors teaching at the seminary
Give thanks for:
- The twelve newly commissioned vicars in the Lutheran Church of Uganda
- LCU congregations being able to worship in person since October 15 with safety protocols put in place
- For graduating classes in Uganda being able to meet for both elementary, middle and high school students
Joyfully Serving Jesus, Mark & Megan
To support the LCMS through the work of Mark and Megan Mantey, you may send a tax-deductible gift to:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod P.O. Box 66861 St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Misson Central 40718 Highway E-16 Mapleton, IA 51034
Gifts can also be given securely online at https://www.lcms.org/givenow/mantey and https://missioncentral.us/mantey/