
Mackenzie_Dominican Republic_Sept2020.pdf

September 2020

News from Erin Mackenzie
Serving the Lord in Latin America & the Caribbean

Due to COVID-19, my home service plans are on pause indefinitely.


Learn more about the above (plus other current opportunities and future opportunities as more become available) at


Close, But no Cigar

It’s been a long 6+ months; oh, how I miss watching volunteers’ eyes and hearts open as they experience the Church in another part of the world. That all changes the week before Thanksgiving when the DR missionary team will use technology to share how God has and continues to pour out His mercy on us and our work. It’s a far cry from lush mountain views, hugs and giggles from the group home kids, or standing shoulder to shoulder before the altar with people from a different culture. No world-renowned Dominican cigars, either. But I can assure you it’ll be as close as we can come. After you indulge me and my meditation on a passage I’ve been drawing comfort from since it came up in my daily Bible reading, turn to page 2 to unpack Online Mission Education. And speaking of packing, you won’t have to. 




Thank you for your prayers and support!


To support LCMS mission work in Latin America and the Caribbean through me, make a secure, tax deductible gift through the LCMS website or the Mission Central website




You may also mail a check to:

P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

[Payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod or LCMS. Include “Mackenzie/Latin America” on the memo line.]


40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, IA 51034

[Payable to Mission Central. Include “Mackenzie/Latin America” on the memo line.]

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