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“Alleluia. If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead. Alleluia.” (Liturgical Verse for Pentecost 16, Luke 16:31)
From Home and Abroad
“How can you speak English?”
The preschooler had a puzzled look on his face. During a special mission presentation this summer, I had explained that as a child of LCMS missionaries I had been born and raised in Japan. “I learned to speak English the same way you learned to speak English, by growing up with English speaking parents. We children grew up in Japan speaking English to each other in the family, but when we watched Japanese TV or were with Japanese friends, we learned to speak Japanese the way they speak it.”
What a privilege and joy to speak to both adults and children, extending minds past their own country’s borders this summer during our five weeks of home service.

Last Sunday in the States: The first of the three P’s: Preaching followed by Presentation followed by Potluck! (Immanuel, Potsdam MN)
If You Missed our Visit…
During these eighteen mission presentations, I explained our current work in Japan, which is focused on three areas: 1) translation projects; 2) preaching stations; 3) encouragement of Japanese Lutheran pastors.
Regarding the first area, we are happy to report completion of two major translation projects (Walther’s Law and Gospel; Walther’s Church and Ministry), and a new work started on our next project (Elert’s Eucharist and Church Fellowship).
Regarding the second area, we have established three preaching stations in response to requests for Lutheran Sacramental Services in English: one in the central part of Tokyo for civilians; and two for military personnel: one at the Yokosuka Naval Base south of Tokyo, the other in Okinawa. Although I can’t provide weekly services at each site, we do have a regular bi-weekly and monthly schedule suitably adjusted for each one.
Regarding the third area of work, I have been meeting with three Japanese ministers to encourage them as they face challenges to the sound doctrine and practice of the Lutheran faith due to liberal and non-denominational theology and practice evident within their various Japanese Lutheran church bodies. One of them just returned from two months of mission fund-raising in Finland. Another completed his graduate theological thesis and was just awarded a Masters of Theology degree. We’ve also had further communication from an independent Lutheran missionary with Norwegian background living in Japan who shares similar theological goals. What a pleasure to anticipate future opportunities where we can provide mutual encouragement!
Okinawa Base and Dr Yoshimura
Our Newest Member
This last month we also rejoiced at the infant baptism of Joshua as the newest member in our small fellowship of believers. The humble number in worship attendance was magnified by its international scope, embracing the grandmother visiting in person from mainland China, also with friends and relatives from China, Japan, and the States watching online.
Prayer and Praise
- This week for our completed home service this summer and our safe return to the mission field;
- for our recently completed translation project of Walther’s Church and Ministry;
- for the infant baptism of Joshua as the newest member in our small fellowship of believers;
- for the wonderful pastors and congregations of Minnesota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Missouri that scheduled mission presentations this summer;
- for future arrangements of a proofreader for various translation works accomplished;
- for the faithful prayers and support provided by our LCMS Jastram-Asia mission partners.

Thank you for your prayers and support!
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