
Helge (Czech Republic) Update – October 2024

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Our dear supporters, prayer warriors and friends,

Děkujeme mockrát, thank you very much! Thank you for your continued support and prayers!

The school year is a bustling. So is the K4 Community Center and Church Plant. We planned out the entire fall semester filled with regularly occurring activities such as English Conversation for Adults as well as one off events such as Quiz Nights to connect with the community and build relationships. We pray that with these connections God would grow His church as people hear the Gospel message. Our full newsletter is attached.

Thank you for being our faithful reader. Thank you for your prayers and support. Grace and peace to you all.

In Christ,
Benjamin, Rebecca and Viktor Helge
LCMS Missionaries
Serving the Lord in Havířov-Šumbark, Czech Republic and Eurasia

Join us in prayer:

Lord Jesus, our protector, savior and friend. Thank you for your care and provision in this life. We pray for healing and comfort for all those affected by flooding in Central and Eastern Europe.  Guide those who organize help that all who need it may receive it.

Thank you the beginning of a new school year. Thank you for good relationships with school leaders. Bring more people into contact with the Christians of K4, that the Good News may be shared with them. Grow your church in Havířov, the Czech Republic and around the world.

Thank you for opportunities to encourage the Czech church. Strengthen Ben and Becca’s language skills that they would all the more clearly proclaim Christ crucified and risen for all.

Grow little Viktor in faith and protect him from all harm. Spread your Gospel through him as he begins pre-school and joins other groups of children.

Finally, Lord, we pray for peace. Comfort those who weep. We pray for the war in Ukraine and everywhere to end. Give peace, O God. Give peace. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


The Gospel of Christ crucified is being shared because of people like you – through your partnership, one-time gifts and your on-going gifts. Please prayerfully continue or consider supporting God’s mission in the Czech Republic by giving financially. For your prayers and interest in this mission, thank you!

To give by check, make the check payable to The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, and add “Helge Support” to the memo line.

Mail to to:

Mission Central
40718 Highway E 16
Mapleton, Iowa 51034

You can also click the “Give Now” button to give online.


Our mailing address is:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Dvořáková 1117/20

Ostrava 70200

Czech Republic