
Helge (Czech Republic) Mission Update – May 2024

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Our dear supporters, prayer warriors and friends,

Děkujeme mockrát, thank you very much! Thank you for your continued support and prayers!

Christ is risen! Alleluia!
He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
God bless this final week of the Easter season. Light your Christ candles, cook up a feast, and celebrate. Jesus Christ is alive! We join in this celebration and continue to share the Good News of life in Jesus with those in the Czech Republic.

We have a series of newsletters coming to your inbox with updates from the first third of 2024. It’s been jam-packed and exciting: three different groups on short-term mission to Czechia, dozens of new contacts made through outreach events at the K4 Community Center/Church Plant, and new opportunities in the local area.  View our full newsletter attached.

Thank you for being our faithful reader. Thank you for your prayers and support. Grace and peace to you all.

In Him,
Benjamin, Rebecca and Viktor Helge
LCMS Missionaries
Serving the Lord in Havířov-Šumbark, Czech Republic and Eurasia

“Jesus said, if I am lost
He will come to me
And He showed me on that cross
He will come to me”
Jesus Strong and Kind by CityAlight

Join us in prayer:

Lord Jesus, thank you for coming to us. Thank you for your death on the cross and for rising again. And thank you that you are coming again.

Thank you for willing servants to come alongside us in learning about the Czech Republic and missions and for sharing the Gospel with the Czech people. Open hearts, dear Lord, that those who hear Your Good News would believe.

Thank you for new ministries in K4 and for the various contacts that have been made. Give boldness to the local church as it teaches and proclaims Christ crucified and risen.

We pray for our Ukrainian friend Vlad in the UK. We ask that you would miraculously provide a way for him to renew his passport without needing to return to Ukraine, so that he would be able to continue studying music in London.

Grow little Viktor in faith and protect him from all harm. Spread your Gospel even through him as he begins to speak and as he shares smiles of joy.

Finally, Lord, we pray for peace. Comfort those who weep. We pray for the war in Ukraine and everywhere to end. Give peace, O God. Give peace. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


The Gospel of Christ crucified is being shared because of people like you – through your partnership, one-time gifts and your on-going gifts. Please prayerfully continue or consider supporting God’s mission in the Czech Republic by giving financially. If you are already supporting this mission, thank you!

To partner with us, send checks to:

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

(Write “Helge Support” on the memo line),
or click the “Give Now” button to give online.


You can also send your support to our friends at:
Mission Central
407818 Highway E-16
Mapleton, Iowa   51034
Give Online with Mission Central

Our mailing address is:

Dvořáková 1117/20

Ostrava 70200

Czech Republic