Stay up to date with LCMS Missionary Benjamin Helge and what God is doing in the Czech Republic and beyond.
My dear partner in sharing the Gospel, prayer warrior and friend,
Thank you for your feedback last month. This new visual newsletter format resonated with many of you. So, I am back again with more pictures and stories about how God is working in the hearts and lives of the Czech people. Check out the main story highlighting an entire week of mission and evangelism in the streets of Albrechtice, Czech Republic, where some individuals came to church for the first time in their life!
As always, thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement. I remain healthy and safe in the Czech Republic. I am praying for you, my brothers and sisters. Continue to share the Gospel wherever God has placed you, and remain in Christ.
Peace, Benjamin Helge LCMS Missionary serving the Lord in the Czech Republic and Eurasia
Nine months ago, God brought Daniel into His family through the waters of Baptism. God now uses Daniel to share the Gospel with his friends. Join me as we continue to pray for Daniel, that his faith would grow and that he would stay connected to God’s church as he tells others about the love of Christ.
God provides (yes, all the time) for missionary service here in the Czech Republic through people like you – through your partnership, one-time gifts and your on-going gifts. Prayerfully consider giving a financial donation and joining God’s mission to the Czech Republic and Eurasia in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you already support this mission, thank you!
To give today, send checks to LCMS International: P.O. Box 66861 St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 (Write “Helge Support” on the memo line), or click the “Give Now” button to give online.
You can also send your support to my friends at: Mission Central 407818 Highway E-16 Mapleton, Iowa 51034