

August 2, 2020
Issue 708



The children of the promise are counted as offspring. 

Romans 9:8b ESV 


Paul reminds us all that we who are in Christ are connected to Him through the promise that is God’s Word. Just as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were born of and in God’s promise, so we are born of the same promise which gave them life. This truth fills our lives with His Spirit and calls us to make known this message in and throughout all of God’s creation!




Our Socially Responsible Services continue this week. Also, a link will be sent out on Sunday morning to connect you to the Sunday online worship service. 




An opportunity to get together virtually to study God’s Word is our Sunday Bible Class, meeting at 7:00 p.m.
The theme is ILC Summer School: Readings in the Catechism

Here is a link to that online meeting room, led by Pastor Carl.




On Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m., Pastor Carl is leading a series On the Roman Road. The study focuses on the readings for each upcoming Sunday, looking at how they apply to our everyday lives as citizens of God’s Kingdom of Grace.
Here is the link to that online meeting room:




The Friday Women’s Bible Study has temporarily migrated to an online format. This group will be reading through the New Testament book of James. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact Pastor Carl at














International Lutheran Church
148 Hannam-daero
Seoul, Korea 04417


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