

April 26, 2020
Issue 694




He is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia! 
Easter is not just a one-day event, but rather the single event that changes every day! During this Easter season here at International Lutheran Church we have begun a new sermon series entitled Our Living Hope as we read through the Epistle of 1 Peter. Today, Peter reminds us where our true identity and sense of belonging comes from as followers of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. While change and decay are a part of our everyday lives, Peter announces the good news made sure in Jesus’ Resurrection that the Word of the Lord endures forever!




A link will be sent out on Sunday morning to connect you to the Sunday online worship service.

Prior to Sunday worship, an opportunity to get together virtually to study God’s Word is our Sunday Morning Bible Class. A word from Pastor Carl: The season of Easter is a unique time when the church reads from the Acts of the Apostles, or what is sometimes simply called the New Testament book of Acts. As we read these first sermons and actions of the Apostles and see the response – both the many who came to faith in Jesus but also the rejection and even persecution that arose, the Holy Spirit is the one who is on the move calling women and men to faith in their Savior. The Resurrection of Jesus from the dead, a crucified Redeemer, is the central message of the church then and now.

Here is a link to that online meeting room, led by Pastor Carl.




On Wednesday nights, Pastor Carl is leading a study of 1 Peter, focusing on questions such as ‘How are Christians supposed to live in the world today? The resurrection happened, but what does it mean for me? What kind of God do we have and why should we have faith in Him?’ 

Here is the link to the online meeting room for Wednesday Night Bible Class.













International Lutheran Church
148 Hannam-daero
Seoul, Korea 04417


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