

It was one of those “FULL HOUSE DAYS” at the world famous Lord’s Mission Central here in the hills of Western Iowa!  One of those days that only God could have planned!  July 27th, 2019 was a day that many will not forget.

The Honorable Missionary Family of Rev. Carl Hanson came to visit and speak to a HUGE group of people from all over the mid-west!  Yes, it was so wonderful also to have the dear Dr. Steve Oliver and his entire family here on that day also.

It was a full day event, and what a JOY to welcome both of these missionaries from our Iowa District West of the LCMS!  Rev. Hanson has been in Hong Kong for 14 years, and is now accepting the Lord’s calling to serve in Korea!  Dr. Oliver and his family came from Taiwan and both of these missionaries spoke to this HUGE crowd of people.

It was a full day tour for the people and you will see these missionaries presenting, and being prayed for and sent back to these mission fields for Jesus.  Also, notice the full house in the Lord’s Creation Theater.

The Hanson Family had their picture taken in front of our Boss here, and you see Pastor and his wife and Lydia and Andrea.  These special people did an excellent job of reporting on how the Lord is using them to tell so, so, many people in Asia about our dear Lord Jesus.