Dear Friend in Christ,
Warm greetings to you again from Hong Kong!!!
Because of the COVID-19 restrictions here, I have been sharing the Word of God on Zoom with a great class of students in their 30s and 40s for over a year. I have also kept in contact with them individually by phone. Since they reside in Macau, I had not even met some of them in person.
Now that Hong Kong and Macau borders are fully reopened, I am finally able to go to Macau and personally see the members of this precious group. They are very focused in learning the Word of God and so it is always a joy to teach them.
Sometimes they are so involved in thinking about what I teach that they take all the materials I present and make them into a mind map. You may not be able to read the Chinese, but the diagram below will give you an idea of their hard work.
In Hong Kong I am working on editing a book I wrote in English “Personal Evangelism” and in Chinese “实用布道学”. It has 20 chapters with a teacher’s book and a student’s book. The local Chinese team and I are editing the final chapters of the Chinese book. Miriam Carter, who now lives in the USA, and I edit the English version and are currently on the 11th chapter. We work on the book by phone during her evening time and my early morning hours. Please pray that both books will be completed successfully and help Christians to facilitate more ideas about how to witness.
Below is a list of some of the places where I will be speaking when I go on my home service trip to the USA in October.
If I will be speaking in your area and you would like me to speak at your church, please let me know and we can make plans. I eagerly wait to hear from you.
With love in Christ,
Carol Lee Halter
Missionary to the Chinese people
To support the LCMS through the work of Carol Halter, you may send a tax-deductible gift to:
Mission Central The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
40718 Highway E 16 or P.O. Box 66861
Mapleton, IA 51034 St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Make checks payable to “The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod” or “LCMS.”
Include “Halter-Hong Kong” in the memo line.
Gifts can also be given securely online through the LCMS website at www.lcms.org/halter