
Grace Lutheran of Lemars comes to Mission Central

What a blessing to welcome a wonderful, wonderful group of truly NOT NORMAL people from Grace Lutheran Church in LeMars, Iowa on October 20th, 2019 at 2:30PM for a Sunday afternoon tour of the Lord’s Mission Central.  One must truly understand that only NOT NORMAL people would come out on a Sunday Afternoon to see what God can do with an old set of farm buildings in the hills of Western Iowa!

These dear and special friends, truly went home “different than when they came here”….YES, they could see what God can do using “unschooled” people to get HIS work done.

This group was “just the right size” to see not only the Creation Theater, the Barn Museum, the wayside Prayer Chapel, but also to have the opportunity to see the offices also in their tour….where they saw the picture of our Boss here at Mission Central and the 5 things hidden in HIS picture done by Warner Sallman in 1940.

Here you see this very, very, special group of NOT NORMAL people, and they were under the direction of NOT NORMAL Missionary Pastor Rev. Tim Geitz in the Lord’s Creation Theater.

It was truly a special time that Old Missionary Gary will never, never forget.