
Going -Japan – October 2019

Dear LCMS Coworkers around the world,


What saps the strength and drains the energy of Japanese working men and young students? What new surge has hit Urawa Lutheran Church without a protector to shield against it? Who received death threats and used the persecution to share God’s love through song? Which Christian band played at a Japanese Buddhist temple recently? What musical record was broken on American Summer Study this year?  How does the Going family keep going like the Energizer Bunny? Why are we rooting for Cherry Blossoms? (To what? Bloom?!?) What is a “try,” and how can we use it as a tool to tell Japanese about Jesus’ love and hope?


To find the answers to these questions and more about our family’s life and work in Japan, please read the latest Going Forth Family Newsletter attached.


Thank you for your continued support and prayers for our family’s health, ministry, relationships, and life in the Land of the Rising Sun!


Tom, Debi, Isaac, and Megumi

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